A Place Called Home

Here is a picture of the house "Up on the Farm" where Little Carol spent her first 13 years. They were happy days with siblings Paul, Mary Ellen and Billy. I was big sister to Mary Ellen and Billy but not always the best example. Mom used to scold me for not having a serious bone in my body and my brothers and sister always accused me of being daddy's favorite. I should be ashamed of myself for laughing while they were being spanked in the other room while my punishment was always to have to sit in the chair and think about what I had done. By the way, I shed the appropriate tears for my wrong doings, just to be on the safe side. My brothers and sister are wonderful examples of Jesus' teachings about forgiveness. I think they love me in spite of myself. Mary Ellen is with Jesus now and probably saying... "Just look at her Jesus, Mom was right... she doesn't have a serious bone in her body" Or does she?